JLA Idea Title Image
Posted on 06.08.21 by Mitchell Sowden

Diversity and Inclusion Speakers

One of the more heartening aspects of what has been, for many of us, a rather bleak eighteen months has been an increased interest in wider diversity and inclusion that goes beyond… Read More

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JLA Idea Title Image
Posted on 04.03.21 by Adam Harkness

Euro 2021 Keynote Speakers

I think it’s a safe assumption to make that a lot of people found 2020 to be a bit boring. The cancellation of some of the year’s most anticipated events; The Olympics,… Read More

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Posted on 03.02.21 by Suzy Young

Bureaus and Brexit

Many UK businesses held their collective breath in December 2020 while Brexit negotiations went down to the wire, with the EU and UK signing off a Brexit Trade and Cooperation Agreement deal… Read More

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Posted on 15.12.20 by Jethro Fox

White House Insiders

While the outcome of any US election has profound implications for the rest of the world, the impact of President-elect Biden’s victory over Donald Trump promises to be seismic. Keynote speakers and… Read More

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Posted on 13.08.20 by Christine Armstrong

Hybrid work: the new office life

The signs are that schools are going back in September: and so too are many offices, with leaders deciding that working from back bedrooms, surrounded by old playmobile and computer cables, has… Read More

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JLA Idea Title Image
Posted on 08.07.20 by Carl Miller

Information Warfare

A new gold rush is underway, attracting extremists, adventurers, military officers and politicians. But it’s not gold they’re after: it’s us. Over the last decade, a new world that has been sliding… Read More

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Posted on 01.06.20 by Allan Grant

10 Weeks of the JLA+ Briefings

This is a follow up on the excellent feature by my colleague Adam Harkness, written at the end of April. Adam highlighted some of the initiatives that JLA, as a speaker bureau,… Read More

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JLA Idea Title Image
Posted on 30.04.20 by Adam Harkness

JLA Speaker Bureau on lockdown

JLA Account Manager Adam Harkness explains what a speaker bureau gets up to when live events are all called off…  As some of you may have noticed, there is a small problem… Read More

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JLA Idea Title Image
Posted on 15.04.20 by Carrie Wood

Welcome to the ‘jLAB’

During these uncertain times as we all work from home, the thought of the JLA office in central London feels like a distant dream. But in recent months, we have been busy… Read More

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JLA Presents

Event - 30/04/2024 - 9:00 am

Speakers Breakfast

Understanding AI Now

Priya Lakhani and Anne-Marie Imafidon

We were joined at 87 Barts Close by three brilliant speakers on a panel that delved into the complex world of Artificial Intelligence. Over the hour our panellists de-mystified AI, speaking about AI’s immense promise for enhancing our lives, alongside the apprehension it has generated regarding job security, privacy infringement, and ethical considerations.


87 Barts Close, 87 Bartholomew Close, London, EC1A 7EB


Event - 06/02/2024 - 9:00 am

Speakers Breakfast

Looking Ahead to International Women’s Day

Samira Ahmed, Eniola Aluko, Julia Gillard, and Alex Mahon

We were joined by four fantastic speakers to look ahead at International Women’s Day. With the theme of this year’s event being #InspireInclusion, we were lucky enough to hear from four women who have each blazed a trail in their respective fields: CEO of Channel 4, Alex Mahon; the former Australian Prime Minister and Chair of Kings’ Global Institute of Women’s Leadership, Julia Gillard; one of the leading voices in football, Eniola Aluko MBE; and broadcaster and journalist, Samira Ahmed.


Bishopsgate Institute, London


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