
Church House


25 July 2018



An evening discussion looking at how politics, populism and the media (both traditional and social) have come to redefine trust. We live in an age where voices that have rarely been heard before now have a global platform. Whilst that has done great things for individuals, it has meant uncertainty and insecurity in politics and business. From protest movements to populism, Facebook to Brexit, rarely has modern society seemed less trusting in, and less trusted by those governing it.

The speakers:
Lyse Doucet – as the BBC’s Chief International Correspondent Lyse has reported from conflict zones and trouble spots across the Middle East and beyond. One of broadcasting’s most familiar and respected frontline reporters her career stretches from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan to the Arab Spring. She considers both the wider geopolitical climate as well as the changing nature of reporting and the media.

Ed Balls – former Economic Secretary to the Treasury and Shadow Chancellor, Ed was one of the leading economic policy voices in the last Labour government. After serving as both a Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet member, he left politics and has re-invented himself as a commentator, writer, campaigner, academic, and television personality.

Sir Ivan Rogers – former UK Permanent Representative to the EU, Ivan left his role after the UK voted to leave the Union. Now one of the most widely respected voices on UK-EU relations, he is a regular contributor to parliamentary Select Committees as well as the public debate on Brexit. A career civil servant who worked with Labour and Conservative administrations, he has also spent time in business and provides a rare insight into the workings of politics in Westminster, the City and Brussels.

Rachel Botsman– credited as one of the pioneering thinkers behind the collaborative economy, Rachel now considers what the online world has done to concepts of trust. In her book Who Can You Trust? she looks at the relationships between public, business and politics in a technology-driven era of ‘distributed trust’.

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