Sangita  Myska Damian Prestidge

Fee Band

  • Diversity, Social Responsibility

Sangita is an award winning journalist, and familiar face on British television news. She has worked on a wide range of BBC output including News, Current Affairs, General Factual, and Consumer Affairs programmes, and currently is a weekend presenter on LBC. 


Sangita Myska is an award-winning British television presenter and journalist, currently presenting weekends on LBC as well as hosting a number of high-profile daytime shows.

She created and presented the award winning BBC Radio 4 show Positive Thinking, which tackled some of the UK’s biggest issues in an inventive, creative way.

Sangita has written and presented a several documentaries for BBC Radio 4, including the contemporary history series Lives in a Landscape. The series What’s in a Name?, was an exploration of the pride and prejudice associated with having an ethnic name in Britain. A Family Without a Child, looked at how childless women are viewed in society, and the two-part investigation, The hidden story of British Slavery, was an investigation into modern slavery in Britain, and investigated the poor working conditions of domiciliary care workers and failing social care system.

Sangita has been a regular news correspondent across all BBC News output and was named one of Europe’s Fifty Most Influential People. She was nominated for the European Journalist of the Year and was long listed for the Amnesty International Journalism Awards for her ground-breaking television investigation into child trafficking across E.U. borders. Sangita has also won the international Asian Woman of Achievement in the Media award.

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